Good. Better. Perfect – the final analysis


Ok, I decided to finish this up at once. I’m sure by tomorrow, Imma be hearing something else so, let’s get it over with.

This started with me wondering about the good, acceptable and perfect will of God. How does one identify that? How does it work?

Unfortunately, the above didn’t happen as planned. I have been distracted occupied by something that is beginning to look like “perfect”. But I have a mission, I have an assignment to finish. I believe God will have me put this out. Cos, I have been taught, by Him on the good, the acceptable and the perfect plan He has. I am, most of us are, in an interesting mix of all three. Some have made it past the muddle and gotten to identify most perfects. But no one has it that made yet. Anywayz, before I digress..

There is a plan in the heart of God concerning every living soul. That is how wide His heart is. He not just has a plan, each plan was borne out of the deepest love that can ever be imagined. That is why it is a perfect plan, that is also why there are many routes to it. It is not an instruction, it is projected or perceived that way because of the Master/Slave relationship that once existed between man and God. But in a Father/child relationship, it’s not a bunch of instructions you are expected to live by. Your earthly father won’t instruct you to eat, he would implore you, negotiate with you, tease you, make you promises, just to get you to eat (at least while you are a toddler, by the time you are older, he expects you to know better). And he would do that because the ‘order’ is purely out of love. I have found that that relationship is merely a shadow of our relationship with the Heavenly Father.

First of, God’s love is incomparable. So nothing, absolutely nothing is an instruction. They are all guidelines of a loving doting parent who wants the best for us. Think about it, why would God still be issuing ‘orders’ to us if Jesus has fulfilled the law? Are we going to please Him more by obeying orders? I don’t think so. All that we sometimes call instructions, tenets or whatever, are loving guides to the place called Perfect.

So, it is given that to get to perfect, you must pass through good. I recently gave up drinking alcohol. Ok, maybe not recently, about 2 years now (oops, I mistakenly drank some punch mix 2 weeks ago! :$ Anyway, I was telling someone recently that I did that after a talk with God about drinking. Now, I do not consider drinking alcohol a sin. I consider getting drunk stupidity (Mama Lemuel said so too:D), but indulging in cocktails and stuff (oh crap! this is not an argument o!) Anyway, what I am trying to say is that that was me moving from good to better. Maybe I will totally eschew bars to get to perfect 😀 God, by gentle prodding nudges us towards identifying perfect. One person coming repeatedly to my mind is Daniel. Daniel was the Don Dada! He had influence, he had fame. But then the foundations of his faith was being threatened. So he prayed. Guess what, he was thrown in the lion’s den! I mean, beat that! After praying and fasting????? Yeah, he said, though he slay me, yet I will trust him, but to what end would that slaying have been? Remember that the Bible repeatedly says we are meant to be living gospels? Ok, maybe his death would have taught someone a lesson in total commitment to God… maybe not! But to live for him and for God, would certainly have been gain. I do not believe that him getting into the lion’s den was part of God’s good plan for him. That was the devil. But God, in His unstoppable awesomeness, turned the devil’s best into His own Perfect plan.

Good. Better. Perfect. God works this in the most creative ways. He is not stalled by the challenges of the situation. He is focused on the end, which is Perfect. As we should be. He took Abraham from Good (Abram) to Better (Isaac and the 12 tribes) to Perfect (all of us being covenant children of Abraham through Jesus). See how long that took. How many heroes of faith it cost. God really doesn’t mise on His Prefects. And he won’t start with you.

So, you are going through something now. It is really rough. You can hardly see the road ahead of you. There is a good in that. And you need to see it before you can even sight the better. It is there, I promise you. I wish you could see my heart and see how much faith I have in you finding the ‘good’ in your situation. It was pretty bad for me too recently, but He helped me find the ‘good’, in the thick of it. I know He wants to help you too. And as little as that ‘good’ now is, it was the catalyst for everything ‘better’ that I now enjoy. I now see the “Perfect” It is so so close now. The fulfillment of His eternal plan for my life, my place in destiny… I see it now…

But first, I had to see the good, right there in the rut. The good is the foundation for the better. You can never have the perfect without it. So, look into the darkness that seems to surround you now. Be like the eagle and lock your wings in that storm. He knows the pain, He understands the struggles and better still, He’s seen countless before you through it, He knows the many ways around it! What an awesome God we serve! The Message Bible says that God hears our prayers that come out in cries and groaning. He understands it. In fact, it says that the HS turns our wordless sighs and aching groans into the right petition before Him. SO, go to Him today, tell Him how much it hurts. He knows it already, it’s just therapy that you must go through. You will need that experience, constantly, to show that You trust in Him. I have known the Father’s love in this. It took me through Good. Got me to Better (lovely place, I must tell you) and I am walking into Perfect. I will expect you soon.

Now go…

2 responses »

  1. I love your posts.

    That being said, let me emphasize the parts I loved:

    1) Your earthly father won’t instruct you to eat, he would implore you, negotiate with you, tease you, make you promises, just to get you to eat

    2) Daniel was the Don Dada!

    3) So, you are going through something now. It is really rough. You can hardly see the road ahead of you. There is a good in that. And you need to see it before you can even sight the better. It is there, I promise you. I wish you could see my heart and see how much faith I have in you finding the ‘good’ in your situation. It was pretty bad for me too recently, but He helped me find the ‘good’, in the thick of it. I know He wants to help you too.

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